Pictures of other fine
Chevy Pickups
Designed for the Load
- Powered for the Pull
We know them from American movies. The Pickups
loaded with straw and sacks, driving through the long straight roads of
the American Midwest.
Like in the passenger car production big long lasting engines were
The six cylinder engine was constructed in 1929 and was still available
34 years later.
The first Corvette was powered by this engine in
1941 to 1945 no Pickups were delivered to private customers. The
production started again in 1946.
Pre war Pickups are very rare today. This truck was found in the United
States years ago. It is - as far as I know - the only
40`Chevrolet Pickup in Europe.
Chevrolet Pickup Truck
Light Delivery 1/2 ton Modell KC
zylinder...............straight six
horsepower..........85 HP @ 3400 RPM
transmission.........4-speed (doubleclutch)
price......................$ 572.-
This is my `40 pickup 1/2 ton light delivery truck,
model KC. I purchased it ten years ago in Florida while I was on
vacation. Actually I wanted to buy a truck for work, but suddenly I saw
the`40 on the other side of the road and I fell in love with it. I had
to have it !
The sun is always shining in Florida. It´s very hot and you don`t
know exactly what you are doing ! I asked the owner if the truck is for
sale, made a test drive, bought it, put it in a closed container the
same day and shipped it to Germany ! Back home in Europe I had to wait
2 long month to get the new "work truck".
The truck was original restored 216,5 cu. in. straight six, 4-speed,
but it wasn´t a perfect restauration. After the first trip from
the harbor to my home (300 miles) I realized that I had to work a
little on the carburetor and on the front axle (brakes and steering).
After this "second restauration" I used the pickup as a daily driver. I
noticed that it is not easy to drive every day with double clutch,
without power brakes, power steering, AC and with a hard suspension.
The biggest problem is that it is a little bit colder in Germany and it
rains a little bit more than in Florida. Driving in the cold rain
without a heater and a fan and with a vacuum operated windshield wiper
is very exciting !
I decided not to drive it in the cold German weather, so I needed a
garage. The only place was in the back of my mother´s garden
under a big cherry tree. The problem was the little pool in front of
it. After long discussions we came to terms that I had to build a
wooden bridge over the pool (Route 66) and a wooden garage under the
tree. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I carried all the
stones and the wood with my `40 pickup. Finally I named the self-made
garage "MARTIN´S RANCH".
Today I drive the old truck on the weekend only, but I still have a lot
of fun. I entered in a couple of shows around Europe and got a lot of
trophies. Everybody loves the pickup. The truck is very rare. I think
it is the only original restored `40 pickup in Europe.
These old Chevy trucks are designed for the load and powered for the
pull. Therefore , I use it today to carry my old `28 Harley Davidson
(74 cu. in./pocket valve) and if my old `Vette (283 cu. in. 245 hp)
isn´t running I tow the `57 in style.
That´s my very personalized version of the American Dream. If I
retire someday, my only desire is to travel across the USA in my own
old Chevrolet truck.
My Version of the "American Dream"
Pickups´n Panels In Print
Volume 12 Number 7 January
The parcels in the cover photo are
installed over a grain elevator, where I worked years ago, by an artist
in my hometown. The word "Peace" is written on every parcel in 100
different languages.
My 40´Pick Up Truck found a new
home in the neighbourhood